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Shaanxi Provincial Engineering and Technology Research Center for Shaanbei Cashmere Goats
Northern Shaanxi Culture Research Center
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Northern Shaanxi Sheep-breeding Research Institute
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Research Centers

Northern Shaanxi Culture Research Center

The Northern Shaanxi Culture Research Center, originating from the Northern Shaanxi Culture Research Institute, is one of Yulin University’s academic research organizations. The center aims to carry out research into the unique features of the Northern Shaanxi culture, to bring to light the patternsgoverning its development, to train a number of students as highly specialized personnel in this field, and to contribute to local cultural and social development. The center focuses on the study of folk literature and art, local history and geography, and folk customs and religion. It is also making every effort to collect, sort out and display the materials and real objects necessary to the study of Northern Shaanxi’s local culture and history. In addition, the center’s staff members actively participate in social activities involving the development of the local culture and the preservation of the local historical and cultural heritage.

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